EDATE Function in Excel | Mastering the EDATE Function in Excel: A Comprehensive Guide | EDATE Function In Excel For Days | How to Use the EDATE Function in Excel to Calculate Future or Past Dates | Simplify Your Date Calculations with the EDATE Function in Excel

Prince Patel
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EDATE Function in Excel | Mastering the EDATE Function in Excel: A Comprehensive Guide | EDATE Function In Excel For Days | How to Use the EDATE Function in Excel to Calculate Future or Past Dates | Simplify Your Date Calculations with the EDATE Function in Excel

The EDATE() function in Excel is a built-in date function that allows you to add or subtract a specified number of months from a given date and returns a new date. The syntax for the EDATE() function is as follows:

        EDATE(start_date, months)

start_date: This is the initial date from which you want to add or subtract months.

months: This is the number of months you want to add or subtract from the start_date. Positive values will add months, while negative values will subtract months.

Here's First Small Example: To Demonstrate How To Use The EDATE() Function:

Suppose cell A1 contains the date "01-Jan-2023", and you want to add 3 months to it. In cell B1, you would enter the following formula:

        =EDATE(A1, 3)

After entering the formula, cell B1 will display the new date, "01-Apr-2023", which is three months after the initial date.

Second Example: To Find End Date After Admission Date with Course Duration.

Admission Date in giving in the 4th column of above table. And Duration of course is giving in 5th column of table.
Now, find Course End Date using EDATE() Function.
Lets, suppose the Admission Date cell is D4 for first student and Course Duration Cell is E4 for first student then, to find end date enter the following formula:

After entering the formula, cell F4 will display the new date, "01-06-2023", which is two months after the Admission date.

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