Write a C Program for Area And Perimeter Of Rectangle.

Prince Patel
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Write a C Program to Calculate the Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle.

Here's a C program for Area And Perimeter Of Rectangle:

void main()
   float length, width, area, perimeter;

    // Input the length and width of the rectangle
    printf("Enter the length of the rectangle: ");
    scanf("%f", &length);
    printf("Enter the width of the rectangle: ");
    scanf("%f", &width);

    // Calculate the area of the rectangle
    area = length * width;

    // Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle
    perimeter = 2 * (length + width);

    // Display the calculated results
    printf("Area of the rectangle: %.2f square units\n",area);
    printf("Perimeter of the rectangle: %.2f units\n",perimeter);

  • We first declare four variables are declared: length, width, area, and perimeter. These variables will store the user-input values for length and width, as well as the calculated area and perimeter.
  • The program prompts the user to input the length and width of the rectangle using the printf function followed by the scanf function for each input.
  • The area of the rectangle is calculated by multiplying the length and width variables.
  • The perimeter of the rectangle is calculated using the formula: 2 * (length + width).
  • The program then uses the printf function to display the calculated area and perimeter with two decimal places.


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