Write a C Program to Print Alphabets From A to Z Using Loop.

Prince Patel
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Write a C Program to Print Alphabets From A to Z Using Loop.

Programming languages are the backbone of modern technology, and learning the fundamentals of a language like C can be a great starting point for any aspiring programmer. One of the basic exercises in programming is printing the English alphabets from A to Z. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of achieving this using loops in the C programming language. This exercise not only familiarizes beginners with loops but also helps in understanding basic control flow and character manipulation.

Understanding the Problem

The task at hand is simple: we need to print the 26 English alphabets, ranging from 'A' to 'Z', using loops in C. This seemingly simple task is a great opportunity to learn about loops, character representation, and the ASCII encoding.

The ASCII Encoding:

In C, characters are internally represented using their ASCII codes. The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) standard assigns a unique numerical value to each character, including letters, digits, punctuation, and control characters. For instance, the ASCII code for 'A' is 65, 'B' is 66, and so on.

Using Loops to Print Alphabets:

To print the alphabets from 'A' to 'Z', we will use a loop. The 'for' loop is ideal for this purpose, as it allows us to iterate over a range of values. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how we can accomplish this: 
    1. Including Header Files: We need to include the necessary header files for input and output functions. The 'stdio.h' header provides functions like 'printf' and 'scanf' that we'll use in our program.
    2. Initializing the Loop: We will use a 'for' loop to iterate through the range of ASCII codes corresponding to the alphabets. We'll start from the ASCII value of 'A' (65) and end at the ASCII value of 'Z' (90). 
   3. Printing Alphabets: Inside the loop, we'll use the 'printf' function to print the character corresponding to the current ASCII value. 
    4. Closing the Loop: Once the loop completes its iterations, we have successfully printed all the alphabets from 'A' to 'Z'.

Here's a  C Program to Print Alphabets From A to Z Using Loop:

void main()
    // Loop to iterate through ASCII codes of alphabets
    for (int i = 65; i <= 90; i++)
        printf("%c ", i); // Print the character using ASCII code



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