How to View Deleted WhatsApp Messages on Android and iPhone

Prince Patel
By -

How to View Deleted WhatsApp Messages on Android and iPhone

It’s frustrating when you accidentally delete a WhatsApp message or chat. Maybe you wanted to delete a message but accidentally deleted the entire chat, or maybe you deleted an important message that you now need. Regardless of how you deleted the message, you can often retrieve it. This is especially true if you’re using an iPhone; on Android, it’s a little more complicated, but possible nonetheless. Here’s how to view deleted WhatsApp messages on Android and iPhone.

On iPhone, there are a few ways to see deleted WhatsApp messages. The first is to simply ask Siri. Siri is often able to find deleted WhatsApp chats and messages. To do this, just activate Siri and say something like “show me my WhatsApp messages from yesterday.” If Siri can find the message, it will show up on your screen.

Another way to see deleted WhatsApp messages on iPhone is to use WhatsApp’s own chat backup feature. By default, WhatsApp backs up your chats every day at 2 AM. So, if you delete a message or chat, it should still be in your backup. To restore your backup and see your deleted messages, go to Settings > Chats > Chat Backup and select “Restore Backup.”

Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to see deleted WhatsApp messages on Android. However, there are a few methods you can try. One is to use a file manager app to look for any residual files that may have been left behind when you deleted the message or chat. Another is to use an app like Dr.Fone, which claims to be able to recover lost data from Android devices. However, we cannot guarantee that either of these methods will work.

Check Deleted WhatsApp Messages on Android

We all know the feeling- you delete a WhatsApp message and then instantly regret it. Whether it was an accident or you simply changed your mind, there's no way to get that message back...or is there? Check out this guide and learn how to see deleted WhatsApp messages on Android!

We'll start with the basics- when you delete a WhatsApp message, it's gone for good...or is it? WhatsApp actually stores all of your messages on its servers, even after you've deleted them from your phone. So technically, it is possible to retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages. However, there's a catch.

WhatsApp only keeps messages on its servers for a short period of time. So if you want to retrieve a deleted message, you need to act fast. The longer you wait, the less likely it is that the message will still be on WhatsApp's servers.

There are two ways to retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages on Android. The first is to use a third-party app, and the second is to Restore from a Backup. Let's take a look at both methods in more detail.

Method 1: Use a Third-Party App

There are a few different apps that claim to be able to retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages, but we recommend using WhatsRemoved+. This is one of the most popular and reliable apps for the job.

Once you've downloaded and installed WhatsRemoved+, open the app and grant it access to your notifications. Then, open WhatsApp and delete the message that you want to retrieve.

Now, switch back to WhatsRemoved+ and you should see the deleted message appear in the app. Tap on the message to view it, and then you can choose to save it to your phone if you want to.

Method 2: Restore from a Backup

If you regularly back up your WhatsApp messages, then this method is definitely worth a try. To restore from a backup, simply uninstall and redownload WhatsApp (make sure you use the same phone number).

When you set up WhatsApp again, you'll be given the option to restore from a backup. Select the most recent backup file, and hopefully, your deleted message will be included in that backup!

That's all there is to it! Now you know how to see deleted WhatsApp messages on Android.

Check Deleted WhatsApp Messages on iPhone

WhatsApp is a tremendously popular messaging app with over a billion users world wide. WhatsApp messages are end-to-end encrypted, meaning that only the sender and receiver can read them. But what happens when you delete a WhatsApp message? Is it gone forever?

Yes and no. When you delete a WhatsApp message, it is deleted from your device and from the receiver's device. However, there are ways to recover deleted WhatsApp messages. In this article, we'll show you how to check deleted WhatsApp messages on your iPhone.

There are two ways to check deleted WhatsApp messages on your iPhone. The first is to use a third-party app, and the second is to restore a backup.

Third-Party Apps

There are a few different apps that claim to be able to recover deleted WhatsApp messages. We've tested a few of them, and the one that we found to be the most reliable is called WhatsApp Recovery.

To use WhatsApp Recovery, you first need to download and install the app on your computer. Once you've done that, connect your iPhone to your computer and launch WhatsApp Recovery.

The app will scan your iPhone for any deleted WhatsApp messages and recover them. You can then choose to export the recovered messages as a PDF, HTML, or TXT file.

Restore a Backup

If you regularly back up your iPhone to iCloud or iTunes, you may be able to recover deleted WhatsApp messages by restoring a backup.

To restore an iCloud backup, connect your iPhone to a Wi-Fi network and go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings. This will delete all of the data on your iPhone, but it will also give you the option to restore from an iCloud backup.

Choose Restore from iCloud Backup and select the backup that you want to restore. Keep in mind that if you restore from an older backup, you may lose data that was added after that backup was created.

To restore from an iTunes backup, connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes. Select your device in iTunes and click Restore Backup. Choose the backup that you want to restore and click Restore. Again, keep in mind that if you restore from an older backup, you may lose data that was added after that backup was created.

Once your iPhone has been restored from a backup, all of your deleted WhatsApp messages should be back.

Deleting WhatsApp messages is a pretty straightforward process. However, if you accidentally delete a message that you need, don't worry! There are ways to recover deleted WhatsApp messages. In this article, we showed you how to check deleted WhatsApp messages on your iPhone.

Pre-requisites for Viewing Deleted WhatsApp Messages

Viewing deleted WhatsApp messages is a simple process, but there are a few pre-requisites that you'll need to follow in order to make it work. First and foremost, you'll need to have a backup of your WhatsApp chats in order to access the deleted messages. If you don't have a backup, then you won't be able to see the messages that have been deleted.

Once you have a backup, you can either restore your WhatsApp from the backup or use a third-party app to access the backup. If you restore your WhatsApp from the backup, all of your current chats will be replaced with the chats from the backup. This means that you'll only be able to see the deleted messages if they were present in the backup.

If you use a third-party app to access the backup, you'll be able to see all of the messages, both deleted and non-deleted. However, you'll need to be careful with these apps as they can be unreliable and may not work as intended.

In any case, once you have a backup, viewing deleted WhatsApp messages is a simple process. Just make sure to follow the pre-requisites and you'll be able to see the messages you're looking for.

Use Third-Party Apps to Access Deleted WhatsApp Messages

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. And one of the features that makes it so popular is that your messages are private and only visible to you and the person you're messaging. But what happens when you delete a message? Is it really gone?

It turns out that your deleted WhatsApp messages aren't really gone. They're just hidden from your view. But there are ways to access them. And in this article, we're going to show you how to do just that.

There are a few different ways to access deleted WhatsApp messages. One way is to use a third-party app. There are a few different apps that allow you to do this, but we recommend using Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (Android).

Dr.Fone is a very popular data recovery app that can be used to recover deleted WhatsApp messages (as well as other data like contacts, photos, videos, etc). The app is very easy to use and it only takes a few minutes to recover your messages.

Here's how to use Dr.Fone to recover your deleted WhatsApp messages:

1) Download and install Dr.Fone on your computer.

2) Connect your Android phone to your computer using a USB cable.

3) Open the Dr.Fone app and select "Data Recovery" from the main menu.

4) Select "WhatsApp" from the list of supported file types.

5) Click "Start" to begin scanning your phone for deleted WhatsApp messages.

6) Once the scan is complete, you'll be able to preview all of the deleted messages that were found.

7) select the messages you want to recover and click "Recover" to save them to your computer.

That's all there is to it! With Dr.Fone, recovering your deleted WhatsApp messages is quick and easy. Give it a try and see for yourself!

Benefits of Using Third-Party WhatsApp Message Recovery Apps

There are many reasons why you might want to use a third-party WhatsApp message recovery app. Perhaps you accidentally deleted an important conversation, or maybe you want to read messages that you were not supposed to see. Whatever the reason, there are a few benefits of using these apps that you should know about.

1. You can recover deleted messages

One of the most obvious benefits of using a third-party WhatsApp message recovery app is that you can recover messages that you have accidentally deleted. This can be a lifesaver if you accidentally delete an important conversation or something else that you need.

2. You can read messages that you were not supposed to see

If you have ever been in a situation where you were not supposed to see a message, then you know how frustrating it can be. With a third-party WhatsApp message recovery app, you can read those messages without anyone knowing. This can be a great way to stay out of trouble or to get the information that you need.

3. You can keep your conversations private

Another benefit of using a third-party WhatsApp message recovery app is that you can keep your conversations private. If you are worried about someone snooping on your conversations, then this is the app for you. With this app, you can set a password so that only you can access your messages.

4. You can get more features

Some third-party WhatsApp message recovery apps come with additional features that can be helpful. For example, some apps allow you to schedule messages, which can be handy if you need to send a message at a specific time. Other apps come with backup features, which can be useful if you ever need to restore your messages.

5. You can avoid potential problems

There are a few potential problems that you can avoid by using a third-party WhatsApp message recovery app. For example, if you accidentally delete a message, you can use the app to recover it. And if you are worried about someone snooping on your conversations, you can use the app to keep your conversations private.

Overall, there are many benefits of using a third-party WhatsApp message recovery app. If you have ever accidentally deleted a message or needed to keep your conversations private, then this app is for you. There are a variety of apps available, so be sure to find one that has the features that you need.

Tips for How to Avoid Accidentally Deleting WhatsApp Messages

If you're like most people, you probably rely on WhatsApp to stay in touch with your friends and family. With such an important role in your life, it's no wonder that you would be devastated if you accidentally deleted your WhatsApp messages.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to avoid accidentally deleting your WhatsApp messages. Here are a few tips:

1. Make sure you have a backup: WhatsApp automatically backs up your messages every day, but you can also manually backup your messages by going to Settings > Chats > Chat Backup. If you ever do accidentally delete your messages, you'll be able to restore them from your backup.

2. Be careful when you delete: When you delete a message in WhatsApp, it's permanently deleted and there's no way to recover it. So, be careful when you're deleting messages. If you're not sure if you want to delete a message, you can always archive it instead.

3. Use the Delete for Everyone feature sparingly: The Delete for Everyone feature allows you to delete a message for everyone in a chat, but it also notifies the other person that you've deleted the message. So, if you use this feature too often, the other person may start to think you're hiding something from them.

4. Be careful when you forward messages: If you forward a message to someone else, they'll be able to see the entire conversation that the message was a part of. So, if you're forwarding a message that contains sensitive information, make sure you edit the message before you forward it.

5. Check before you delete: Before you delete a chat, make sure you really want to delete it. Once you delete a chat, you won't be able to see any of the messages that were in it.

Following these tips will help you avoid accidentally deleting your WhatsApp messages. However, even if you do accidentally delete a message, as long as you have a backup, you'll be able to restore it.

Reinstall WhatsApp to Recover Deleted Messages

If you're looking to see deleted messages on WhatsApp, you're going to need to reinstall the app. This process is pretty simple, and it should only take a few minutes to get WhatsApp up and running again.

Once you've reinstalled WhatsApp, you'll be able to see all of your old messages, as well as any new messages that have been sent since you deleted the app. This includes messages that were sent to you while you had the app deleted, so make sure to check your inboxes!

If you're worried about losing any data, don't be - WhatsApp backs up your chat history automatically, so you won't lose anything by reinstalling the app. In fact, this is one of the easiest ways to recover lost WhatsApp messages, since you don't need to do anything special to create a backup.

So if you're looking to see deleted messages on WhatsApp, just reinstall the app and you'll be good to go!

Use Backup to Retrieve Deleted WhatsApp Messages

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app that allows users to chat, share photos and videos, and stay in touch with family and friends. However, like all apps, there are times when you may accidentally delete a message or two. If this happens, don't worry! There is a way to retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages.

The first thing you'll need to do is make sure you have a backup of your WhatsApp chats. You can do this by going into the app's Settings and selecting "Chats." From there, you'll see an option to "Back up chats." Make sure this is turned on and that you have a recent backup.

If you do have a backup, the process for retrieving your deleted messages is pretty simple. First, uninstall WhatsApp from your phone. Then, reinstall the app and sign back in with your account. When prompted, select "Restore" from the backup options. This will restore all of your conversations, including the ones you deleted.

If you don't have a backup, you can still try to retrieve your deleted messages. However, this process is a bit more complicated and may not work for everyone. First, go into the WhatsApp folder on your phone's internal storage. Then, open the "Databases" folder.

Inside the "Databases" folder, you'll see a series of files that begin with "msgstore." These are your WhatsApp message databases. The one you're looking for is the file that ends in ".db.crypt12." Rename this file to "msgstore.db" and move it to a different location on your phone (like your desktop).

Once you've renamed and moved the file, you'll need to download a decryption tool. There are a few different options out there, but we recommend the WhatsApp Message Recovery Tool. Once you've downloaded the decryption tool, follow the instructions to decrypt the database file.

Once you've decrypted the file, you can open it in a text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text) to view your messages. Keep in mind that this process isn't guaranteed to work and that your messages may be corrupted or only partially recovered. However, it's worth a shot if you're desperate to retrieve your lost messages!

Restore Deleted WhatsApp Messages with A Mobile Phone Data Recovery Tool

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world with over a billion active users. It’s simple, reliable, and works on almost any phone. However, one of the problems with WhatsApp is that once you delete a message, it’s gone forever. There is no way to retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages from the app itself.

Luckily, there are ways to restore deleted WhatsApp messages if you have a backup. If you don’t have a backup, there are still some solutions, but they’re not as reliable. In this article, we’ll show you how to retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages on Android and iOS.

If you want to know how to view deleted WhatsApp messages, the first thing you need to do is check if you have a backup. WhatsApp automatically backs up your chats to your phone’s memory every day at 2 AM. If you’ve ever reinstalled WhatsApp or switched to a new phone, you’ve likely used one of these backups to restore your chats.

To check if you have a backup:

On Android:

Open WhatsApp and go to Menu > Settings. Tap Chats > Chat backup. If there is a visible green check mark next to Back up to Google Drive, that means you have a backup.

On iOS:

Open WhatsApp and go to Settings. Tap Chats > Chat Backup. If you see a message that says “Back Up Now,” that means you have a backup.

If you have a backup, the process of restoring your chats is simple. Just uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp and when prompted, choose to restore your chats from the backup. This will work whether you’re using an Android or iOS device.

However, if you don’t have a backup, things get a bit more complicated. On Android, there are a few third-party data recovery tools that can help you retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages. We recommend using Dr.Fone for Android, but there are other options available as well.

Once you’ve downloaded and installed a recovery tool, follow these steps:

Enable Developer options on your Android phone. To do this, go to Settings > About phone and tap Build number seven times.

Go back to Settings and select Developer options. Find and enable USB debugging.

Connect your phone to your computer and run the recovery tool. Select WhatsApp and follow the prompts to restore your messages.

If you’re using an iPhone, there are no recovery tools that will work because Apple doesn’t allow access to the iPhone’s file system. However, there is one method that may work if you’ve recently backed up your iPhone to iCloud.

To try this method:

Go to Settings > iCloud on your iPhone and turn off iCloud backups.

Delete the WhatsApp app from your iPhone and reinstall it from the App Store.

When prompted, choose to restore from an iCloud backup. This will restore your WhatsApp chats from the most recent iCloud backup.

Keep in mind that this method will restore your entire iPhone from the iCloud backup, not just your WhatsApp messages. If you don’t want to restore your entire phone, you can try one of the Android recovery methods we mentioned earlier.

If you don’t have an iCloud backup or you don’t want to restore your entire phone, your only other option is to use a backup from iTunes. This will only work if you’ve previously backed up your iPhone to iTunes on your computer.

To try this method:

Connect your iPhone to your computer and open iTunes.

Click on the device icon in the top left corner of iTunes and go to the Summary tab.

Click Restore Backup and select the most recent backup from the list. This will restore your iPhone from the backup and delete all of the data on your device.

Once the process is complete, go to Settings > iCloud on your iPhone and turn on iCloud backups. This will create a new backup of your device and include your WhatsApp chats.

Restoring deleted WhatsApp messages can be a tricky process, but it’s worth it if you want to retrieve important conversations. If you have a backup, the process is simple and straightforward. However, if you don’t have a backup, you’ll need to use a data recovery tool or iCloud.


When it comes to learning, we often think of conclusions as the end of the journey. But in reality, conclusion is just the beginning. It's the first step in the lifelong process of understanding and applying what we've learned.

In order to effectively use conclusion, we need to first understand what it is and how it works. Conclusion is the last step in the process of reasoning. It's the final step in our journey of understanding. After we reach a conclusion, we can then apply what we've learned to our lives.

Conclusion is important because it helps us make sense of the information we've gathered. It allows us to see the big picture and understand how the pieces fit together. Conclusion also allows us to draw conclusions about future events. We can use conclusion to make predictions about what will happen next.

Conclusion is a powerful tool, but it's not always easy to use. Sometimes we reach a conclusion without realizing it. Other times we may not be sure if we've reached a conclusion at all. And sometimes we may reach a conclusion that we later realize was wrong.

That's why it's important to always be open to new information and to question our own conclusions. We should never assume that we know everything. There's always more to learn.

If you're ever unsure about a conclusion you've reached, don't hesitate to ask for help. There are many people who are happy to help you reason through things. You can also find resources online or in books.

Conclusion is a vital part of learning. It's the first step in understanding and applying what we've learned. By keeping an open mind and questioning our own conclusions, we can ensure that we're always learning and growing.


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