List of Shortcut keys in Ms- Excel | 25 Excel Shortcut keys | Excel Tips

Prince Patel
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List of Shortcut keys in Ms- Excel | 25 Excel Shortcut keys | Excel Tips

 Here is a list of commonly used shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel:

  1. Ctrl + N: Create a new workbook
  2. Ctrl + O: Open an existing workbook
  3. Ctrl + S: Save the current workbook
  4. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action
  5. Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action
  6. Ctrl + X: Cut the selected cells
  7. Ctrl + C: Copy the selected cells
  8. Ctrl + V: Paste the copied or cut cells
  9. Ctrl + A: Select all cells in the current sheet
  10. Ctrl + F: Open the Find and Replace dialog box
  11. Ctrl + H: Open the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Replace tab active
  12. Ctrl + P: Print the current sheet
  13. Ctrl + W: Close the current workbook
  14. Ctrl + F4: Close the current workbook
  15. Ctrl + F12: Open the Save As dialog box
  16. Ctrl + Home: Go to cell A1
  17. Ctrl + End: Go to the last cell with data in the current sheet
  18. Ctrl + Page Up: Move to the previous sheet
  19. Ctrl + Page Down: Move to the next sheet
  20. F2: Edit the active cell
  21. F4: Repeat the last action
  22. F7: Open the Spelling dialog box
  23. F9: Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks
  24. F11: Create a chart based on the selected cells
  25. Shift + F3: Open the Insert Function dialog box

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